Monday, November 19, 2007

Mass Recipe Load

My friend Johanna commented today that she wanted the recipe for the Poulet Saute Chasseur (Saute'ed Chicken with Shallots, Mushrooms, Tomatoes and Tarragon). As well she should. Because it's amazing.

Now, I've been holding off on that and some other recipes. I want to include them all, so that you, the valued reader, knows what I'm talking about. My approach has been that if it's available on-line, then link to it. If not, then scan it in with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and include it in the appropriate post. Unfortunately, cleaning up OCR files is very time consuming. So, many have been deferred for the mythical day I can sit down and do that. Not that I have a book chapter to revise and a thesis to write or anything.

So, I told Johanna, "I'll just scan it as an Acrobat .PDF and just send you that." Then I thought, "Hey, I have web space. I can just put them up there so that everyone can see them."

And, thus, a plan was born. Starting tonight, I'm going to scan and post all of the backlog, dropping links into the appropriate post. Yes, in all of their copyright-infringing glory. Those of you using an RSS reader/aggregator will be able to spot these easily. They'll be somewhat decent DPI (150) so you can print them for reference in the kitchen, but at a reasonable file size for download.


P.S. I finally remembered that I can actually type entries on my fancy-pants Treo while on my commute. That should speed things up.

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